Land plot near Exit 22 D5


place: Beroun-západ

area: 8181 m2

price: 27 mil. CZK

We offer you a building land just off the exit of the D5 motorway Prague - Pilsen, Exit 22, this is the Beroun-West downhill. With the possibility of two-sided exit and exit.
The land is suitable for production, parking, logistics center, etc.

The area of the land is 8.181 m2 with the possibility of buying another 2,000 m2. Additional parking, including trucks, on the basis of an easement, is possible on the neighboring land.

We have complete documentation available.

Price of CZK 27 million

For more information, do not hesitate to contact us.

member of EMAA International
0042 607 383 508

Registration to the VIP section